A Blackbird Sang artwork helping to raise awareness and funds for charities

We are very proud to be raising awareness and funds for three charities via the display and sale of our artwork. Whenever a piece of artwork from our Hedgehog, Curlew, or Perennial range designs, are sold, 10% of the proceeds will be donated to the respective charity highlighted below.

10% of the proceeds of our Hedgehog designs will be donated to The British Hedgehog Society (BHPS), a registered UK Charity (number 1164542) dedicated to helping & protecting hedgehogs native to the UK (Erinaceus europaeus).

10% of the proceeds of our Curlew designs will be donated to the Curlew Action Trust, a registered UK Charity (England & Wales Charity No: 1187172, Scottish Charity No: SC051137). Curlew Action is at the heart of saving Curlews throughout the UK. From devising fieldworkers' resources to education and awareness raising, they are the only national charity dedicated to the conservation of Curlews.

- Jess Huband