Feeding the birds and the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch

Feeding the birds and the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch
It’s an important time of the year for feeding the birds, both in our gardens and further afield. In addition to running A Blackbird Sang (with Tony), Genny can often be found feeding farmland birds near the A Blackbird Sang studio in West Oxfordshire and, as the current co-chair of The Farmland Bird Aid Network, co-ordinating the charity’s work.
The Farmland Bird Aid Network (registered charity 1192305) exists to promote the conservation of farmland bird species, particularly those in decline, by working with local communities and land owners, through supplementary feeding, monitoring and habitat conservation.
Louise Spicer set up Bird Aid in 2003, coordinating with a number of landowners. The West Oxfordshire-based charity has helped to feed the declining farmland birds during the ‘hungry gap’ from January to early May ever since. Find out more about the charity and its work here.
Small UK farmland birds such as Yellowhammers, Linnets, Chaffinches and Corn Buntings are in decline. “Feeding the birds through the winter and seeing the flash of yellow of a male Yellowhammer or the pink of a Linnet is so uplifting on a cold day. It is a sight to be celebrated, and we try to do this in our work at A Blackbird Sang.” Genny.

Take part in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch
24th-26th January 2025 is the RSPB’s annual Big Garden Birdwatch. "What is Big Garden Birdwatch? Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s largest garden wildlife survey." RSPB. And it only takes an hour! Sign-up to take part here.
A Blackbird Sang bird silhouettes
In 2023 we increased our flock of bird silhouette designs with the addition of a Blackbird feeding its family and a Goldfinch feeding. And, more recently, we've combined our love for Swallows with our love for poetry, creating over-sized Swallows featuring lines from Emily Dickinson's poem "Hope is the thing with feathers".
We’ve received some beautiful photos of the birds in-situ in your gardens, on old garden tools, on logs, on sheds and summer houses, atop fence and gate posts and trellis’, by ponds and even in streams! Join us on facebook and/or Instagram for photos and inspiration. We do not recommend affixing our bird designs directly in to live trees, as the subsequent bark wound may cause infection within the tree.
We’re always seeking new ideas for our bird silhouettes, so if there’s a bird you would like to see drawn and produced, please do get in-touch: info@ablackbirdsang.co.uk or 01993 891030.
With thanks to Martin Gascoigne-Pees for allowing us to use his beautiful photos in our blog. We hope you all enjoy feeding, watching and counting the birds!
- Jess Huband