RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024

Despite the rain, it was another fantastic RHS Chelsea Flower Show. Press Day (which was, fortunately, beautiful weather) brought a very special visitor to our stand: Dame Judi Dench, pictured here with Tony:

After a truly delightful conversation about Shakespeare (in which Dame Judi beautifully recited many lines from A Midsummer Night's Dream), Tony gifted her one of our new 'I know a bank where the wild thyme grows...' bags.
Now (informally) known as the 'Dame Judi Dench bag', this bag - along with the new Wild Roses bag - was a firm favourite with our stand visitors throughout the week. We have launched five new bag designs in total, all now available on our website (and, if we have any left, these will also be on display at our stand at RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival.)

In addition to the new bags, we also launched an expanded range of greeting cards. We now have 17 greeting card designs, so if you need a card to accompany a gift, these are also available on our website.

Both Tuesday and Wednesday (the RHS Member Days of Chelsea) were very wet days - rain like we have not seen at RHS Chelsea before. A timely reminder of our changing climate and the repurcussions this has, not only on horticulture but also our lives. And with the rain came a different feel to the Show and perspective of the Show Gardens, with raindrops splashing in water features and deeper, richer, more intense colours from the planting - as seen below on The National Garden Scheme Garden designed by Tom Stuart-Smith (awarded a Gold Medal):

Genny loved the moss on the impeccable MOROTO no IE garden, designed by Kazuyuki Ishihara:

Thursday, Friday and Saturday the drier weather (even some sunshine) was back and the People's Choice Award was announced, awarded to the wonderfully colourful The Octavia Hill Garden by Blue Diamond with The National Trust, designed by Ann-Marie Powell with the Blue Diamond Team.

Octavia Hill was one of the three founders of The National Trust and believed that 'the healthy gift of air and the joy of plants and flowers' were vital in everyone's life.
RHS Chelsea ended as it started with another fabulous visitor to our stand - Ann-Marie Powell popped-by to pick-up some of our Octavia Hill Leaf Quotes to give as thank you gifts!

See our Octavia Hill blog post (coming soon) for more on this beautiful garden and our work with the National Trust.
To find out where we are exhibiting over the summer months, please visit our Events page. Thank you, as ever, for supporting our small business.
Genny & Tony
- Jess Huband